MA: Ware Planning Board Seeks Sales Moratorium Until 2018


Ware – The Planning Board wants a moratorium until December 2018 on the sale of “recreational marijuana,” even though Massachusetts residents have not yet cast ballots on whether to approve the idea.

Voters will decide in the Nov. 8 election whether to legalize marijuana.

The Ware Planning Board has scheduled a public hearing on Oct. 19, when residents can express their views on the municipal initiative.

The Planning Board’s advocacy for a moratorium on the sale of recreational marijuana requires Town Meeting approval to take effect, as it would amend municipal bylaws.

The board says it needs the extra time to be ready should marijuana be legalized in the state, and hopes the town enacts a temporary bylaw to allow the proposed moratorium.

Their notice to residents for the October public hearing states: “In light of the possible legalization of marijuana for recreational use – Ballot Question #4 in the November 8, 2016 election – and overlapping concerns regarding current state medical marijuana laws and regulations already in place, the Planning Board is proposing a moratorium to allow the town sufficient time to engage in the planning process to address the effects of such structures and uses in the Town and to enact bylaws in a manner consistent with sound land use planning goals and objectives.”

The Planning Board is also seeking a moratorium on siting of medical marijuana treatment facilities, which if approved would be in effect until December 2017.

The public hearing will take place at Town Hall, 126 Main St., at 7:05 p.m.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Ware Planning Board Seeks Sales Moratorium Until 2018
Author: Jim Russell
Contact: MassLive
Photo Credit: Jim Mone
Website: MassLive