Ireland: Donegal Cannabis Social Club Take Part In Successful ‘Weedstock’ Festival


There is quite a strong feeling of contentment amongst cannabis activists as they successfully hosted their second camping event ‘Weedstock’.

This year the event was hosted by the Irish Church of Cannabis in Wexford.

Seven cannabis clubs attended “Weedstock II”, including; DonegalCSC, LegenderryCC, KerryCSC, MonaghanCSC, CarrickfergusCC, WexfordCSC and the Dublin Compassion Club.

The Donegal branch was set up by Candice Faulkner with the aim of ending the stigma around the use of cannabis.

The group advocate the right to access legal whole plant cannabis for medical and wellness purposes in Donegal

Candice Faulkner said; “It really was lovely to see people come from all over Ireland to show their support for cannabis. We received some great sponsorship from ‘Seedsman’ for this second event. It’s not easy finding support from local businesses. So we really appreciated their help and support.”

Not only was ‘Weedstock’ a festival for the cannabis legalisation community to come together, but also a place for people to enjoy a festival without the heavy influence of alcohol; which is often associated with Ireland’s larger festivals. “The friendly vibe is amazing. It definitely beats a drunken night out. There was no drama, no fights; nothing but good vibes.”

“I have interacted with other Irish club members for the past year and it was great to finally meet up with them and share our ideas. I have met some amazing and kind people through what I am doing.”

Donegal Cannabis Social Club is already collaborating with another club in Ireland for their next event. “It’s all very exciting to have our Irish cannabis scene started. We will be travelling around the country creating awareness. And we need all the support we can get.”

“We refuse to be treated like criminals. We are all normal people that share an interest in a harmless plant. It’s great to see more and more people are finding out the truth about cannabis.”

“I recently met up with a Canadian activist Kayleigh Herald. She runs a dispensary where they supply a range between oils and edible products, and offer as many different strains as they can. This benefits so many people in Canada. The medical uses for cannabis are endless.”

Candice asserts that Ireland needs a regulated market and believes it will greatly benefit society and the economy when it happens. With the amount of evidence stacking up in support of the use of cannabis, Candice finds it difficult to see why the plant remains illegal.

“I am speaking up for all the people that have contacted our clubs desperate for relief and all the people that are too scared to speak out. It’s 2016 and people are being punished for using a plant to improve their quality of life. The law is wrong.”

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Donegal Cannabis Social Club Take Part In Successful ‘Weedstock’ Festival
Author: Staff
Photo Credit: None Found
Website: Donegal Daily