NJ: Activists Conduct ‘Foot Traffic Study’ To Push For Marijuana PTSD Treatment


Trenton – Medical marijuana advocates have been placing orange cones around the statehouse in an effort to get Gov. Chris Christie to sign legislation allowing medical marijuana to be used to treat post-traumatic stress disorder.

The advocates are calling it a “foot traffic study,” in reference to the fake traffic study supposedly conducted during the Bridge-Gate scandal.

Medical marijuana is currently not used to treat PTSD.

“We need to get people’s attention for anyone to hear what we’re saying,” says Coalition for Medical Marijuana NJ’s Jim Miller. “[The governor’s] a good sport though. He walked by last week. He apparently got a pretty good laugh out of it.”

The coalition set up the cones last year as well, but Gov. Christie was out of state at the time and never saw them.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Activists Conduct ‘Foot Traffic Study’ To Push For Marijuana PTSD Treatment
Author: Staff
Contact: News 12 New Jersey
Photo Credit: News 12 New Jersey
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