WA: Naches Town Council To Vote On Marijuana Ban Tonight


Naches, Wash. – Town Council members will decide tonight if Naches will be the latest community to restrict marijuana production and sales.

Planning Commission members recommended last week that council members approve an ordinance prohibiting marijuana-related businesses in any zone within town limits, Town Administrator Jeff Ranger said Friday.

The meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. Monday at Naches Town Hall, 29 E. Second St

Washington voters approved an initiative in 2012 that legalized recreational marijuana production, sales and use. But cities and towns can, through land-use law and business license regulations, prohibit marijuana growing, processing and sales.

Naches did not have an ordinance barring marijuana shops or growers because there was no place in town where state law would permit such activities, Ranger said earlier. Marijuana shops are banned from operating within 1,000 feet of any school, recreation center, playground, child-care facility, park, transit center or library.

If the town were to annex additional land, there could be enough room for a marijuana business to come in, Ranger said in an earlier interview.

Among the reasons listed in the proposed ordinance for not allowing marijuana sales are conflicts between state and federal laws regarding marijuana and increased risk of robbery or burglary at marijuana shops because of the difficulty depositing proceeds from marijuana sales in federally insured banks.

Two Yakima County cities permit marijuana sales. Union Gap has three operating marijuana shops, while Yakima’s Council recently voted to lift its restrictions.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Naches Town Council To Vote On Marijuana Ban Tonight
Author: Donald W. Meyers
Contact: 1-509-248-1251
Photo Credit: Teresa Crawford
Website: Yakima Herald