Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Petition Growing


Duncan, OK – The push to legalize medical marijuana in Oklahoma is growing as Thursday’s petition deadline nears. Meanwhile, law enforcement and supporters of the plan are debating whether the pros outweigh the cons. Studies show, marijuana could help cancer patients who are going through chemotherapy, epilepsy, Alzheimers, and PTSD.

A state wide organization,’Oklahomans for Health’ has collected more than 50-thousand signatures so far, but they need 66,000 by August 11 to put the proposal on the November ballot, where voters would decide if it becomes legal for medicinal use.

“They should be able to obtain medicine that works,” Crystal Hill, a supporter for the petition says.

Crystal Hill has been at Memorial Park in Duncan for the past few weeks volunteering to help get the 66 thousand signatures they need to legalize medical marijuana, and she says she previously suffered from P-T-S-D and noticed immediate benefits when using the drug.

“You can be crying. You can be angry. You can be depressed and you take a little bit and your whole mind set changes. You look at things from a different angle,” Hill says.

Lt. John Byers from the Duncan Police Department says identifying it will be biggest challenge

“It’s either prescribed or illicit marijuana. It’s not stamped like on a pill that has a stamp on it from the manufacturer. Marijuana is a plant. It’s grown,” said Byers.

Dr. Deb Brantley, a Psychologist in Duncan says she would recommend marijuana to many of her patients, and it’s not for reasons people may think.

“It’s not a matter of my patients wanting to get high, it’s a matter of them wanting to just either calm down or their brain activity to function on a more normal level,” said Brantley.

Dr. Brantley says it’s anxiety medications and pain pills that people get addicted to and taking prescribed marijuana would only benefit them.

“So many times, if something can be handled in a natural way then it’s going to be a lot more effective,” said Brantley.

Lt. Byers says it’s just going to be another hurdle to get over and something they’d have to learn how to manage.

“Knowing what type of action can be taken, if someone is in possession of it and they do have a prescription, what amount is it for, what is it used for, so it’s definitely going to be a learning curve,” said Byers.

Hill says they will be out at Memorial Park in Duncan tomorrow from 8AM until 8PM getting signatures for the petition.

If the proposal does make it to the ballot, and it’s approved, we would become the 26 state to have medical marijuana legalized.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Petition Growing
Author: Kelly Roliard
Contact: 580-355-6397
Photo Credit: KSWO
Website: KSWO