Twice As Many People Told Gallup They Use Marijuana, Compared To 2013


Here’s a dramatic change: About 13 percent of the adults surveyed in a new Gallup poll said they currently use marijuana. Three years earlier, only 7 percent of respondents fessed up to getting high.

That’s a really dramatic change. If these numbers were completely true to reality, that would mean that the number of pot users has increased from about 22 million to 42 million in just three years, based on population estimates.

However, I don’t think that’s the case. This survey has a margin of error of 5 points, which means that this could just be statistical noise. It’s possible there was no change at all!

Also, it’s possible that more people are willing to say that they use weed. Maybe they were just more embarrassed before. The change is certainly not from legalization alone, considering that the four recreational weed states only add up to about 16 million people.

Still, we can draw some interesting points from this new survey.

About one in five people younger than 30 currently use the drug, Gallup found. That’s by far the highest use in an adult age bracket.

Also, the more often you go to church, the less likely you are to smoke dope. Only 2 percent of weekly churchgoers use cannabis, the survey reported.

Unsurprisingly, the West gets down with the marijuana clown more often than any other region, with 14 percent of us reporting use, compared to single-digit figures in all other regions.

Interestingly, marijuana use was most common among people with some college education or a degree, although that could just be noise.

Also, men use the drug almost 50 percent more often than women, the survey found.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Twice As Many People Told Gallup They Use Marijuana, Compared To 2013
Author: Andrew Kenney
Contact: Denverite
Photo Credit: Adam Jones
Website: Denverite