Mexico To Celebrate First International Cannabis Fair


Mexico City – The first Expoweed, an international fair to highlight the different uses of cannabis, will take place in Mexico City from Aug. 12 to 14.

At the gathering, which will be held at the city’s World Trade Center, topics such as legalizing marijuana or cannabis for personal use will be discussed.

Conferences will also be held on the plant’s extensive usage, the event’s organizers told a news conference Wednesday.

“We are expecting over 80 foreign companies and around 30 lecturers from all over the world to participate. Our intention is not to promote the recreational use of cannabis, but to present it as a medical and industrial alternative,” said Julio Zenil, one of the organizers.

The participating companies will present their cannabis-based products which range from clothes to cosmetic products.

In April, Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto presented an initiative to the country’s legislature, which will discuss whether to allow marijuana to be used for medical and scientific purposes.

The proposal, to be discussed by Mexico’s legislative body, would revise the General Health Law and the Federal Penal Code in order to legalize marijuana for medicine and science and to allow the import of cannabis.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Mexico To Celebrate First International Cannabis Fair
Author: Staff
Photo Credit: Seth Perlman
Website: Sina English