ON: North Bay-Area Agridome A Grow-Op For Medical Marijuana


The Bonfield Agridome will be home to a new medical marijuana grow-op, Mayor Randy McLaren has confirmed.

McLaren told The Nugget on Tuesday a federally regulated operation is being set up and has caught the attention of a few residents.

“I’ve had a resident ask me if we’re getting a marijuana grow-operation or a jail? I assured it was not a jail.”

McLaren said few details are known about the business or the individual leading the project.

“He’s owned the Agridome for about five years, but we really know little about him. He’s from outside the community,” McLaren said.

“Others have applied for a licence in the past, but have been unsuccessful. We had one individual approach council to inform us of their intention to apply for a licence.”

McLaren said the municipality has no say over the location of the operation.

“It’s a private individual who applied for a licence to operate a medical marijuana grow-op,” McLaren said.

“The only reason why we found out about this was because of the building permits he required to alter the Agridome to meet his specifications,” he said.

“These grow-operations are popping up in communities across the province. However, often the business is somewhat disguised.”

The Agridome is located at 113 Trunk Rd., perched atop a hill overlooking the community’s children’s park, beach and municipal building.

In 2010, the Agridome was owned by the Bonfield Agricultural Society and used to host a variety of events such as the Bonfield Fall Fair.

It was sold that fall to a southern Ontario investor for an undisclosed amount of money. The building had been listed for $100,000.

The grow-op will be indoors and protected by a 12-foot chain link fence with barbwire on top.

According to Health Canada, 34 medical marijuana grow licences have been issued across the country, including 19 in Ontario.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: North Bay-Area Agridome A Grow-Op For Medical Marijuana
Author: Jennifer Hamilton-McCharles
Contact: 705-674-5271
Photo Credit: Postmedia Network
Website: Sudbury Star