Two Medical Marijuana Regulators Seek $1.8M For Ohio Program


Columbus – Two of the three agencies that will regulate Ohio’s forthcoming medical marijuana program are seeking $1.8 million to get it up and running. reports the state Department of Commerce is seeking more than $923,000, most of which will go toward workers, consultants, developing databases, administrative costs, supplies and rent, among other things.

The agency will draft laws for medical marijuana growers, processors that make marijuana products and testing labs.

The State of Ohio Board of Pharmacy is seeking more than $882,000, most of which will go toward payroll, developing a patient and caregiver registration system and upgrading the state’s automated prescription reporting system.

The board will license and regulate dispensaries. It will also operate the patient registry and decide what types of marijuana and paraphernalia will be legal.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Two Medical Marijuana Regulators Seek $1.8M For Ohio Program
Author: Associated Press
Contact: (419) 724-6000
Photo Credit: Shutterstock
Website: The Blade