Pro-Pot Billboards Ask Nevada To Fund ‘Schools Not Cartels’


Las Vegas – Recreational marijuana supporters will be taking over billboards around the Las Vegas area before Nevada voters head to the polls in November.

The Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol is formally unveiling a billboard Thursday with the message “Support Schools, Not Cartels.” Campaign officials say marijuana prohibition has driven money to criminals, but a ballot measure to legalize the substance could generate $20 million a year for Nevada schools.

The billboard is the latest advertising move in support of Question 2.

Supporters of the ballot measure have reserved more than $800,000 in TV airtime at Las Vegas stations and plan to run commercials starting in early October and running through Election Day.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Pro-Pot Billboards Ask Nevada To Fund ‘Schools Not Cartels’
Author: The Associated Press
Contact: KSL
Photo Credit: Christopher Furlong
Website: KSL