FL: Orange County Follows Orlando With Moratorium On Medical Marijuana Activities


More than a month after the Orlando City Council voted for a temporary moratorium for medical marijuana dispensaries, Orange County commissioners followed suit with a similar measure on Tuesday.

The moratorium extends to May 23, 2017 or until commissioners adopt new rules regarding medical marijuana nurseries and dispensaries. Currently, several state-approved dispensaries have started selling a low-THC form of cannabis to patients across Florida. In November, voters will get to decide whether to approve Amendment 2, an initiative that expands the list of conditions that would qualify for medical marijuana.

“Florida laws relating to the cultivation, production and dispensing of low-THC cannabis, medical cannabis and their respective derivative products are rapidly changing, raising substantial questions about whether cannabis-related land uses may have deleterious and negative secondary effects on surrounding land uses and communities,” the Orange County ordinance says.

The ordinance also calls for the county to study medical marijuana and its impacts on “health, safety and welfare of residents and businesses,” and develop land development regulations for the plant.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Orange County Follows Orlando With Moratorium On Medical Marijuana Activities
Author: Monivette Cordeiro
Contact: (407) 377-0400
Photo Credit: Pixabay
Website: Orlando Weekly