Spain Finally Decriminalizes Marijuana


This makes perfect sense. Why doesn’t the American government follow suit and legalize all plants?

Praguepot reports that, “You can now legally grow cannabis in Spain. This is massive news for medical growers, patients and those looking for a healthy alternative to alcohol. Spain has always been a leader in this newly forming industry. The country has produced talented scientists and ground breaking cannabis research. While the new law has many more questions to answer, it is clear what the intentions are.”

The people of Spain have had a strong attachment to the wonderful plant for a long time, even the 1967 law forbidding the cultivation of cannabis was mostly ignored. The punishment for small scale growers was often only the destruction of plants and the confiscation of equipment. Growers and shops can now sell seedlings!

The one restriction is you still can’t openly grow in a place that is viewable from a public space. This is a silly restriction, but a minor one in the grand scheme of things.

Congratulations to the scientists that proved the myriad of health benefits of cannabis; and congratulations to the activists that worked to get this great plant legalized again. Congratulations and thank you to all those that helped make this positive step possible. May the world take note and follow suit, legalizing all plants.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Spain Finally Decriminalizes Marijuana
Author: Jeremiah Jones
Photo Credit: None Found
Website: Counter Current News