OH: New Bremen Stalls Village Pot Sales, Growth


New Bremen – The sale, cultivation and processing of legal medical marijuana in the village will be delayed as the new state law is set to go into effect Sept. 8.

Council members in a special session on Saturday passed an emergency resolution delaying the law in the village for 180 days starting Sept. 8, village administrator Chris Dicke said this morning.

The delay will allow village officials to examine and understand the law before it takes effect, she said.

Dicke could not comment on what the law would allow but said officials in other towns and villages are also unsure of what exactly the law entails.

Ohio’s new law allows people to use the drug in vapor form for certain chronic health conditions while barring patients from smoking marijuana or growing it at home. Employers could continue to enforce drug-testing policies and maintain drug-free workplaces.

The law will take effect Sept. 8, though the program is not expected to be fully operational until two years later.

The commerce department, state medical board and board of pharmacy will all play a role in regulating medical marijuana and those who cultivate, test, use and dispense it.

New Bremen’s resolution prohibits granting any permits during the 180 days to village retailers wishing to handle the drug.

“This will give us time to establish rules and regulations concerning this,” mayor Jeff Pape said.

Also on Saturday, members discussed establishing committees with the goal of better serving residents. The committees would discuss pending issues and take their recommendations to full council. As required by law, the meetings would be announced at least 24 hours before and would be open to the public. Council agreed this would give residents a better way to voice their thoughts and concerns and improve overall communication.
In other action, council members,

• passed after third reading an ordinance levying property tax assessments for the recently completed Circle Drive reconstruction project, including curbs, sidewalks and gutters in the amount of $65,258.

• passed a resolution accepting about $70,200 in local government funds from the Auglaize County Budget Commission. It is an annual resolution passed to receive money from the county that is divided among various entities, Dicke said this morning.

• passed under suspension of rules an emergency ordinance authorizing the village administrator to prepare and submit an application to participate in the Ohio Public Works Commission State Capital Improvement and/or Local Transportation Improvement Program for upcoming street work.

Council also requested the administrator explore hiring a central engineering firm. The proposal would allow a firm to oversee all projects to ensure they follow current and future community planning.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: New Bremen Stalls Village Pot Sales, Growth
Author: Jeff Elking
Contact: (419) 586-2371
Photo Credit: Shutterstock
Website: The Daily Standard