CA: County Reviews Medical Cannabis Dispensary Applications Near Mill Valley


Marin County, CA – By early 2017, the County of Marin expects to issue licenses for up to four medical cannabis dispensaries to operate in unincorporated areas of the county, it was announced Friday.

According to a news release, the Marin County Community Development Agency is reviewing applications and is in the process of updating its medical cannabis dispensary program webpage with more information. An advisory committee will hold public meetings as early as January to hear from the public about the proposed applications.

The application period closed Wednesday. CDA staff is planning for a slightly longer timeline on the approval process than originally publicized to provide an opportunity for community feedback and to thoroughly review all 12 applications.

The committee will be asked to rank the applications and present its recommendations to County Administrator Matthew Hymel regarding which licenses to grant.

“We’re being very deliberate and careful as we thoroughly review all the applications,” said Assistant CDA Director Tom Lai. “We know there’s a lot of interest in the community, and there will be adequate time for the public to provide feedback.”

Under the County’s medical cannabis ordinance approved in December 2015, the County will allow no more than two dispensaries in the highly populated Highway 101 corridor in eastern Marin and no more than two in the more rural central and western parts of the county. All eligible sites are pinpointed on maps provided by CDA.

Five of the applicants seek to open a dispensary in Tam Shoreline or Tam Junction in unincorporated Mill Valley; one seeks to open in Santa Venetia West in unincorporated San Rafael; three in Blackpoint/Greenpoint in unincorporated Novato; one in Forest Knolls, one in Lagunitas and one in Marshall South.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: County Reviews Medical Cannabis Dispensary Applications Near Mill Valley
Author: Maggie Avants
Contact: Mill Valley Patch
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Website: Mill Valley Patch