PA: Lycoming Township Takes Proactive Stance On Cannabis


Cogan Station – In a proactive measure to protect residents as marijuana laws change around the nation, the Lycoming Township supervisors unanimously approved the retail sale of cannabis products dependent on a conditional-use hearing at Tuesday’s meeting.

Voting was Denny Paulhamus, Jeff Wagner and Larry Deremer.

Notice of the public hearing held before the approval appeared in the Legal Notices section published in Saturday’s edition of the Williamsport Sun-Gazette.

The new action is an amendment to the township zoning ordinance created in 1986, Paulhamus said.

The new amendment gives the supervisors the final say by requiring any business interested in creating a bottle club or a store selling medicinal cannabis to go through a conditional-use hearing.

It’s looking to the future now that medical marijuana is legalized throughout the state, Old Lycoming Township Police Chief Joseph Hope said.

“This covers oils and other products used to treat people medicinally,” Hope explained.

“It does not include cannabis that can be smoked and doesn’t allow recreational use,” he said.

The retail use of the substance will be regulated by the state and federal government.

Bottle clubs also were included because they don’t have the same regulations as bars, Hope said.

“Someone interested in selling medicinal cannabis would have to be licensed, and it would cost several million dollars to start in the area,” Hope explained.

“But it’s good to have an ordinance like this to further protect the welfare of the citizens,” he said.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Lycoming Township Takes Proactive Stance On Cannabis
Author: Seth Nolan
Contact: Sun Gazette
Photo Credit: Jeff Chiu
Website: Sun Gazette