CO: School District Drafts Policy On Medical Marijuana Use By Students


Steamboat Springs – Students with a medical marijuana prescription would be allowed to use marijuana on school grounds only under a strict set of rules, according to a new policy drafted by Steamboat Springs School District staff.

The Board of Education reviewed the draft policy, which was modeled after a sample policy from the Colorado Association of School Boards, during the local school board’s Monday meeting.

The policy states that a student with a medical marijuana prescription should use the marijuana outside of school grounds when possible, but a parent or caregiver could visit the school and provide the medical marijuana during the school day if necessary.

The school district would provide a designated space for the student to take the medical marijuana but under no circumstances would school staff be expected to administer the drug.

“As a school district, we would prefer that you administer the marijuana off site, at home,” Superintendent Brad Meeks said. “If you have to do it at school, it will be a parent or caregiver, and not us.”

The school board first discussed drafting a district policy on medical marijuana use in May, following the passage of Colorado House Bill 1373, which required that school districts allow the use of non-smokeable medical marijuana in schools or at school events, provided a parent or caregiver administered the marijuana.

The bill was supported by parents of students with epilepsy, seizures and severe disabilities who use medical marijuana.

Meeks said that although there had been one inquiry about the district’s policy on medical marijuana use by students, he was unaware of any students who would be using medical marijuana on school grounds at this time.

Board member Sam Rush asked Monday whether it would be appropriate for health staff to receive some specific training in the possible side effects of marijuana use, so they would know what to expect in the event a student was having a negative reaction to the drug.

“I think all the healthcare providers might appreciate knowing these might be the side effects that could come up,” Rush said.

Meeks said staff are trained to call 911 in the event of a medical issue taking place with a student.

“In a way, it’s going to be similar to other students that receive medication in school,” Meeks said.

The administrative policy was presented to the board for discussion only and was not subject to board approval.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Steamboat Springs School District Drafts Policy On Medical Marijuana Use By Students
Author: Teresa Ristow
Contact: 970-879-1502
Photo Credit: John Russell
Website: Steamboat Today