MMJ – Mixing Politics And Travel


I hear that five different states have adult use cannabis legalization laws on the ballot this year. How do you think they will do? – Indra State

So far things are on the upswing. Recent polls show 60 percent of California voters leaning toward voting yes on Proposition 64. Massachusetts is faring less well, with 50 percent opposed and 41 percent in favor. Maine voters are in favor 55-45. Nevada polls show weed in front 50-41, while Arizona polls show legalization trailing 49-43. Even if the measures in Arizona and Massachusetts fail, three out of five would be a solid victory for cannabis law reform advocates.

Let’s talk about Arizona for a minute. According to recent reports, pharmaceutical company Insys donated $500,000 to the anti-legalization campaign. Insys Therapeutics makes a fentanyl patch (fentanyl is an opiate stronger than heroin) and they also produce a marinol (synthetic THC) pill. Insys should be ashamed of itself. Sure, as a purely business decision, it makes sense. After all, if marijuana is legal, why would anyone need fake weed? Sure, states with legal marijuana have seen a decrease in use of opiates and fewer deaths from opiate overdose, but what value do human lives have when compared to obscene profits?

Marijuana hasn’t killed anyone in over 5,000 years. Meanwhile, this country is facing an epidemic of opiate abuse and instead of working to fix the problem they helped to create, they double down on furthering oppression and misery.

Anyway, go vote. Let Big Pharma know freedom is more important than profits.

Any cool events coming up? I have some vacation time coming and I want to do some canna-tourism. -Roald Dawg

I’m glad you asked. The Portland Hempstalk is happening Sept. 24-25 in Portland, Oregon. It’s a great town for pot smokers with cool dispensaries and great food, plus fantastic public transportation so you don’t have to drive around high. There’s also a nice little social club (NW Cannabis Market) where people meet to smoke and dab and socialize.

Check out the International Cannabis Business Conference in Vancouver, B.C. Oct. 13-14. Cannabis activists from all over the world will be there, and Vancouver, aka “Vansterdam,” has been producing quality cannabis since the ’90s. Safe travels!

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: MMJ – Mixing Politics And Travel
Author: Ngaio Bealum
Contact: 831-394-5656
Photo Credit: None Found
Website: Monterey County Weekly