MT: Lung Cancer Patient Fighting Legal Battle Over Medical Marijuana


Great Falls – A Montana non-profit has filed a complaint which could temporarily stop the state government from enforcing a new medical marijuana law, and for some members of the group, they say this is more than just a political issue. For them, it’s a matter of life or death.

Melody Brown of Great Falls is known to her family and friends as a fighter.

“I want to live. I don’t want to die. I’m only 59 years old,” Brown said.

Last November, doctors diagnosed Brown with stage IV lung cancer. They gave her only six more months to live. Brown believes there’s one thing that’s keeping her going.

“I’m here, and I believe it’s because of cannabis,” Brown said.

Every four hours, Brown swallows her cannabis oil pills. She says her medication calms her body and her mind.

“A lot of times I get upset. It’s upsetting knowing you might not be here tomorrow,” Brown said.

Since her diagnosis last year, Brown says her life has turned upside down. She’s given up her career as a lawyer, given up her home to move into a small apartment with her son, and now, a new state law could force her to give up her medication.

“I’m not kinda worried, I’m extremely worried. I’m waiting to see what’s going to happen,” Brown said.

The source of her concern is Senate Bill 423, which became a law on August 31st. It limits the number of patients a medical marijuana caregiver can help.

The law says that caregivers can provide medical cannabis for only two patients at a time or three if the caregiver is also a patient. The Department of Health and Human Services says there are about 13,000 medical marijuana patients like Brown, who live in Montana.

With the limited number of providers in the state, this law could could leave these patients without access their medical cannabis.

“I don’t understand how the legislature, none of whom are medical professionals, can make a decision that so adversely affects my life,” Brown said.

Brown is also a board member of the non-profit called “Montanans Ensuring Access to Natural Medicines,” and on Sept. 7, the group filed a lawsuit against the state.and their lawyer, Bruce Frederickson says their goal…

“is to hopefully prevent the state from being able to enforce that three patient limit at least as it relates to those patients named in the complaints,” Frederickson said.

Brown’s medical cannabis supply is almost gone, and doctors have now given her another six months to a year to live and as for Brown, she says she’ll keep on fighting.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Lung Cancer Patient Fighting Legal Battle Over Medical Marijuana
Author: Melinda Zosh
Contact: 406.453.4370
Photo Credit: None Found
Website: KFBB