CO: Groups Protest After City Council Distributes Cease And Desist Letters


Colorado Springs, Colo. – Days after the Colorado Springs city council distributed cease and desist letters to cannabis clubs, protesters aren’t backing down. Wednesday, groups marched downtown Colorado Springs to send a message to the city.

The group started at the city administration building, at the corner of South Nevada Avenue, and marched to City Hall.

“We are out here protesting and exercising our right to let City Council know and elected officials know we’re against their movement against our medicine,” said Aisha Sawyer, with Canapatients Resource Connection.

Sawyer is raising awareness for her daughter, who has cancer.

“She’s been a cannabis patient now for going on six months, and she’s doing fantastic. She’s now in school, her scan is clear and I plan on fighting this to make sure she has access to this medicine the rest of her life,” Sawyer said.

Monday, the City Council sent cannabis clubs cease and desist letters.

“They want to put a ban on cannabis clubs, and I think it’s necessary for them to have these clubs out here,” said Dean Lysch, a protestor.

“I’m personally here today to help unify the marijuana community. We have several groups, we have our clubs, we have our dispensary owners,” said Pam Staley, national sales director for Cannapages.

Cannabis clubs have eight years to close the doors, leaving club members like Atom Zussman wondering where to go.

“For the people like myself who are on it medically and have issues, now what?” said Zussman.

KRDO tried contacting a City Council member for comment but hasn’t heard back.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Groups Protest After City Council Distributes Cease And Desist Letters
Author: Angelica Lombardi
Contact: 719-575-6285
Photo Credit: Getty Images
Website: KRDO