OH: Franklin To Impose 1-Year Ban On Medical Marijuana Businesses


Franklin – Add one more community to the list of those in the region that are imposing moratoriums – or temporary bans – on medical marijuana businesses.

Franklin City Council Monday became the latest community to begin the legislative process to impose a one-year moratorium. It will take a final vote at its Oct. 3 meeting. If adopted, the ordinance would take effect on Nov. 2.

Law Director Donnette Fisher told council the new law, which went into effect Sept. 8, does not have any regulations, rules or guidelines established by the new state Medical Marijuana Control Program which was also created as part of House Bill 523. Ohio is the 26th state to legalize marijuana for medicinal use.

“The state still needs to develop the regulations within the next two years,” Fisher told council.

In her staff report, Fisher said until the Ohio Department of Commerce and the State Board of Pharmacy issue rules and regulations, the city does not know how medical marijuana cultivators, processors and retail dispensaries are to be established and governed.

Fisher said the new state law allows council “to adopt regulations to prohibit or limit the number of retail dispensaries and as the locations of of cultivators, processors and dispensaries will have to be addressed through zoning, this moratorium is necessary.

“The moratorium will preserve the status quo while we await guidelines from the state and will give staff the opportunity to review those guidelines and make recommendations to council on how such uses should be regulated,” she said.

Earlier this month, Liberty and Ross townships imposed six-month moratoriums, while Middletown approved a one-year moratorium. Hamilton voted last year to ban the sale of medical marijuana through its zoning code.

West Chester Twp. is the only jurisdiction that has taken a stand against a marijuana moratorium.

“We’re way to premature. It’s going to take two years for whoever is interpreting the law to even determine what the rules are, and I think until we see what those rules are, it’s going to be way to premature to do anything,” Trustee George Lang previously told the Journal-News. “Because we may be doing work the state’s already doing.”

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Franklin To Impose 1-Year Ban On Medical Marijuana Businesses
Author: Ed Richter
Contact: (877) 267-0018
Photo Credit: Randall Benton
Website: Journal-News