BC: Hemp Oil Victory For Kyla


A Summerland family is celebrating a victory that will allow their child to legally get the cannabis oil that calms her seizures.

Health Canada has granted an exemption that allows four-year-old Kyla Williams and others like her to access the medicine, as long as they have a letter from the agency stating so.

Kyla has epilepsy and suffered more than 300 seizures a day until taking a strain of the oil known as Charlotte’s Web.

The oil has very low levels of THC, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, but high levels of cannabidiol, a substance that calms electrical activity in the brain.

“Every time she seizures, her brain deteriorates, so she was not given a long life,” her mother Courtney told CTV.

Traditional medication didn’t help Kyla, but shipments of the expensive oil were seized multiple times by the Canada Border Services Agency.

“From the very beginning it’s been a complete struggle,” Kyla’s grandmother, Elaine Neussler, said.

“We are extremely happy, and we feel great relief,” she said of the decision.

Now, Kyla is often seizure free for weeks at a time.

Neussler’s husband, a former RCMP officer, told CTV: “I used to arrest people for the same thing that we’re doing. But I will do anything for Kyla and my family.”

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: Hemp Oil Victory For Kyla
Author: Jon Manchester
Contact: 250-860-5050
Photo Credit: CTV
Website: Castanet