Oregon Has Collected More Than $40 Million In Pot Taxes


Marijuana retailers began collecting a 25 percent tax on recreational marijuana sales starting in January. That money is adding up quickly.

According to the latest figures from the state Department of Revenue, Oregon has collected more than $40 million in taxes on recreational pot through the end of September. After administrative costs, the money will be divided among schools, law enforcement and drug treatment programs.

The state tax on recreational pot will soon drop to 17 percent in many places. But local governments are allowed to add their own 3 percent tax on top of that.

Voters in more than 100 cities and counties around Oregon will decide in November whether to do just that.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Oregon Has Collected More Than $40 Million In Pot Taxes
Author: Chris Lehman
Contact: NW News Network
Photo Credit: Austin Jenkins
Website: NW News Network