BC: Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Poised To Sprout In Cumberland


The Village of Cumberland is a step closer to implementing bylaws that will allow a medical marijuana dispensary business to operate in the community.

Staff presented its report that outlines considerations for the review of applications for medical marijuana dispensaries, along with the required amendments to the business license bylaw to allow for the licensing of medical marijuana dispensaries. This includes Business License Amendment Bylaw No. 1037, 2016 and a new Marijuana-Related Business License Regulation Bylaw No. 1040, 2016.

Council gave the two bylaws first, second, and third readings.

Councillor Roger Kishi again reiterated that they want to do this now even though there are expectations that the federal government will introduce regulations in the near future. Although federal laws supercede municipal bylaws, Kishi was comfortable moving this issue forward.

"I believe that it’s better for us to be proactive than reactive because we’ve seen the amount of time and the amount of resources that were taken to get us to where we are here now, said Kishi. "If we were to wait for the federal government and have to do that there would be that huge vacuum for that amount of time for us to actually come up with something."

Some of the policy requires the dispensaries to be permitted only in the Village Core Mixed Use One Zone and that only a total of two would be allowed in the village with each one located at least 50 metres from each other. They should not be within 150 metres of a public school.

The sale of cannabis or other substances in edible form including beverages in a dispensary is not permitted but the sale of tinctures, capsules or edible oils in sealed containers will be allowed.

Staff will next bring forward the policy and bylaws for council’s approval. Following that, the village will begin accepting complete applications for medical marijuana dispensaries.

Kishi emphasized that applicants must apply for a temporary use permit and a business licence as a package. The TUP must be finalized by council first before the business licence could be endorsed.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Poised To Sprout In Cumberland
Author: Michael Briones
Contact: (250) 334-4722
Photo Credit: None Found
Website: Comox Valley Echo