BC: Medical Marijuana Dispensary Applies For Kimberley Business License


Kimberley Council received another application for a medical marijuana dispensary last week. The city became the first municipality in the province to grant a business license to a medical marijuana dispensary in June of 2015. Since that time, Tamarack Dispensaries has operated in Marysville, and recently won a Business Excellence award at the Chamber of Commerce gala.

Appearing before Council last week, Kimberley Cox, a former Tamarack Dispensaries employee, appealed to Council to reconsider her application for a business license, which had been rejected by city staff.

However, staff rejection is standard for medical marijuana dispensaries as they are a gray area in terms of complying with federal regulations. Staff is obligated to reject them.

In the case of Tamarack Dispensaries, Council over-rode its own bylaw in order to grant a business license. At the time, Mayor Don McCormick said Council was simply trying to bring such businesses out of the gray area and under municipal regulation.

The market would then determine the success or failure of the business.

Cox told Council that she felt the market was such that a second business could also be a success.

Kimberley took a huge leap to allow Tamarack to operate, she said. I want to operate a discreet, professional business. I can compliment Tamarack locally. The market is there.

Acting Mayor Sandra Roberts said that staff was obligated to turn down the request because approval had to be granted by Council.

Council appeared open to at least explore the matter further, asking Cox about a detailed plan providing information on location and security.

It was decided that Cox should bring the plan to a Committee of the Whole meeting when Council would have an opportunity to discuss the application more in depth.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Medical Marijuana Dispensary Applies For Kimberley Business License
Author: Carolyn Grant
Contact: BC Local News
Photo Credit: None Found
Website: BC Local News