MA: Youth Advocates Urge Easthampton Officials To Limit Marijuana Storefronts


Easthampton – School officials and youth advocates on Wednesday asked the City Council to limit the number of retail marijuana licenses allowed in the city, citing concerns about the potential for pot shops to influence teen drug use and harm Easthampton’s "family friendly culture."

The group asked the council to cap the number of retail marijuana licenses at no more than 20 percent of the number of licenses issued for liquor stores. The city currently has four fully-licensed package stores, and five stores licensed to sell beer and wine.

The effort comes weeks after Massachusetts voters approved Question 4, legalizing marijuana possession for adults over 21. The state is expected to issue regulations for storefront enterprises by September.

During a public comment session, Superintendent of Schools Nancy Follansbee read a letter drafted by the School Committee.

Williston Northampton School headmaster Robert W. Hill III read his own letter, and Ruth Ever, coordinator of the Easthampton Healthy Youth coalition, delivered remarks. Also speaking against pot was Greg Rolland, who identified as an Easthampton parent and member of the city’s Community Preservation Act Committee.

"Unless implemented thoughtfully and carefully, the retail sale of marijuana could adversely impact young people in our city and the broader family-friendly culture that Easthampton has endeavored to create," Follansbee read on behalf of the School Committee.

"Limiting the number of licenses is an essential step to ensure that our city remains inviting and safe for children, families, and visitors to the city," Hill said, reading from the Williston letter.

The City Council’s Ordinance Subcommittee has received the School Committee letter and will soon start discussing the issue of a local marijuana bylaw, said committee chairman Salem Derby.

Under the new Massachusetts law, a yet-to-be-formed state Cannabis Control Commission will craft regulations to allow retail sales. The state rules are due in September, and the first licenses are expected in October, meaning towns and cities could face pressure to allow storefront enterprises by mid-autumn.

Municipalities may impose "reasonable safeguards" on marijuana enterprises, but may not prohibit them. Such safeguards could be through mechanisms such as zoning regulations, or a marijuana bylaw. The only way to become a "dry" community is via referendum vote during a state election.

Those who spoke Wednesday urged city councilors to be tough on cannabis shops. "We … need to be careful not to increase the allure of marijuana through the excessive presence of storefronts," Follansbee said, reading from the School Committee letter.

Other communities eye regulations

Similar discussions are taking place in communities across the state.

At a recent Planning Board meeting, City Planner Jessica Allan said she attended a conference at the Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission where the issue of local control over marijuana enterprises was discussed at length.

She said local officials expressed concerned about the tight timeline to implement regulations, and that some language in the law is vague and open to interpretation.

For instance, the state law says local zoning shall not prohibit a recreational enterprise "in any area" where a medical marijuana facility is present. "Nobody has defined what they mean by ‘area,’" Allan said.

The Massachusetts Municipal Association on Nov. 30 sent a detailed letter to Governor Charlie Baker, House Speaker Robert DeLeo and Senate President Stan Rosenberg criticizing Question 4 for its short deadlines, loss of local control, "unregulated ‘home grow’ provisions," and inadequate tax revenues written into the statute. The association asked lawmakers to take action.

South Hadley officials recently imposed a six-month moratorium in their town on applications for recreational marijuana enterprises. Allan said Easthampton might want to consider a similar measure to allow time to implement regulations.

Easthampton’s medical marijuana bylaw limits such enterprises to the Mill Industrial zoning district, where a grow room and dispensary was permitted in March.

The new state law prohibits any new marijuana shop within 500 feet of a pre-existing K-12 school unless a local bylaw reduces the distance. It does allow a town or city to impose a 2 percent local option sales tax, meaning there is potential to generate revenue.

The Massachusetts Legislature may take steps to amend the state’s marijuana law when it reconvenes in 2017.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Youth Advocates Urge Easthampton Officials To Limit Marijuana Storefronts
Author: Mary Serreze
Contact: 413-731-1036
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Website: MassLive