New Website Reveals State's Secret List Of NY Medical Marijuana Doctors


Albany, N.Y. – Two entrepreneurs have published the names of New York doctors registered to prescribe medical marijuana, information the state Health Department had been keeping under wraps.

John Norris and John Karling of Saratoga Springs launched their website, Dr.MedPot, last month, according to the Albany Times-Union.

The website allows patients to search for doctors who have registered with the state’s year-old medical marijuana program and consented to have their names listed on the state’s Health Commerce System.

Only state Health Department staff and doctors were privy to this information before Norris and Karling published it. The duo refused to tell the Times-Union where they got the database of participating doctors.

State officials have said for months they are considering publishing the names of participating doctors willing to be identified on the health department’s website.

There are more than 800 doctors registered to prescribe medical marijuana in New York.

But finding them has been a hassle for many patients, who’ve been forced to make cold calls to doctors’ practices to find medical marijuana prescribers.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: New Website Reveals State’s Secret List Of NY Medical Marijuana Doctors
Author: James T. Mulder
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