TN Lawmaker Seeks To Nullify Memphis Marijuana Ordinance


Nashville, TN – A state lawmaker filed a bill designed to end the marijuana ordinances passed by Nashville and Memphis in 2016.

House Criminal Justice Committee Chairman William Lamberth, a republican, filled House Bill 173.

The bill specifically says that cities and towns cannot pass local laws that lessen the criminal offense of drug possession.

"No county, city, town, municipality, or metropolitan form of government has the authority by ordinance, resolution, regulation, or other local law to enact or adopt a sanction for conduct involving a drug or other substance if the sanction for that conduct is established by this part or title 53, chapter 11, as a criminal offense other than a Class C misdemeanor."

Memphis (as well as Nashville) passed local laws in 2016 that gave police officers more leeway on handing out lighter crimes on drug offenders.

Lamberth’s bill has not yet been voted on in the state capitol.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: TN Lawmaker Seeks To Nullify Memphis Marijuana Ordinance
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