<table class="tborder" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="100%" align="center" height="84"><thead> <tr><td class="tcat" height="18">Thank you for your submission!</td></tr>
</thead><tbody id="collapseobj_latest" style=""><tr> <td class="alt1" width="96%" align="center" valign="middle" height="47"><p align="center" class="header01"></p><p class="bodydark"><span class="title">Now Send us your Photos!</p><p class="bodydark">Send as many pictures as you like, provided they are all 420 related. These pictures should be fairly recent and only of you. Any graphic format will do. They should be original, unedited photographs, no sketches or computer-enhanced graphics, no added text or other promotional content and HIGHest resolution possible. Please do not resize or crop your photos, we will do that ourselves.</p><p align="center" class="title"> <a href="mailto:rob@420girls.com" class=title>Click here to send your photos by Email.</a></p><p align="center" class="title">*Please Include Your Name & Email Address*</p><p align="center" class="title">Send a CD of your Photos to:<br><br><b>420 Magazine</b><br>PO Box 420<br>Hollywood, CA 90078</p><p align="center" class="bodydark"><b>You must be 18 years or older to enter!<br>
</b>We have the right to accept or reject any submission for any reason.
All photos become the nonreturnable property of 420 Magazine.</p> <p> </td> </tr></tbody></table>
</thead><tbody id="collapseobj_latest" style=""><tr> <td class="alt1" width="96%" align="center" valign="middle" height="47"><p align="center" class="header01"></p><p class="bodydark"><span class="title">Now Send us your Photos!</p><p class="bodydark">Send as many pictures as you like, provided they are all 420 related. These pictures should be fairly recent and only of you. Any graphic format will do. They should be original, unedited photographs, no sketches or computer-enhanced graphics, no added text or other promotional content and HIGHest resolution possible. Please do not resize or crop your photos, we will do that ourselves.</p><p align="center" class="title"> <a href="mailto:rob@420girls.com" class=title>Click here to send your photos by Email.</a></p><p align="center" class="title">*Please Include Your Name & Email Address*</p><p align="center" class="title">Send a CD of your Photos to:<br><br><b>420 Magazine</b><br>PO Box 420<br>Hollywood, CA 90078</p><p align="center" class="bodydark"><b>You must be 18 years or older to enter!<br>
</b>We have the right to accept or reject any submission for any reason.
All photos become the nonreturnable property of 420 Magazine.</p> <p> </td> </tr></tbody></table>
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