Ohio Seeks Expert On Marijuana Cultivation But Wants A Drug-Free Firm


Columbus, Ohio – The Ohio Department of Commerce is looking to hire an expert in growing marijuana to help write the rules for future Ohio medical marijuana cultivators.

But whoever gets the contract will be held to the state’s drug-free workplace policy, which currently doesn’t allow for medical marijuana use. A department spokesman couldn’t say Friday whether the chosen contractor’s employees would have to pass a pre-employment drug test.

Working in the marijuana industry and using the drug for medical or recreational purposes are not necessarily mutually exclusive. But the drug policy requirement highlights a legal wrinkle in Ohio’s medical marijuana law that concerns many patient advocates.

The law doesn’t require businesses to allow medical marijuana use, and patients can be fired for testing positive for marijuana metabolites despite not being impaired on the job.

The commerce department is one of three state agencies working on implementing the new law, which goes into effect Sept. 8. For its part, the commerce department will establish rules and a licensing process for cultivators and testing labs.

The department wants to hire a contractor to research best practices from other states and recommend how they would work with Ohio’s patient needs in the new Ohio Medical Marijuana Control Program. The department budgeted $50,000 for the work.

Requirements include at least three years experience in the medical marijuana industry or equivalent experience in commercial horticulture and “expert knowledge” of the cultivation process and related matters.

The state posted the job Tuesday and will accept applications through Wednesday.

The department has posted two other jobs for the program internally – a business analyst and a project manager. Both jobs require the employee to pass a pre-employment drug test.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Ohio Seeks Expert On Marijuana Cultivation But Wants A Drug-Free Firm
Author: Jackie Borchardt
Contact: Cleveland.com
Photo Credit: Seth Perlman
Website: Cleveland.com